Carnival Cruise Corporation Launches its New Online Service

Oct, 2017


- Record 8-hr set-up time given tight Times Square regulations
- A rooftop terrace provided an unparalleled view of crowds
- Simultaneous brand messaging appeared on giant screens on surrounding buildings
- Loki Box Design takes part in over 300 large-scale events a year across North America

The BNC220 centrepiece structure generated impressive brand impact in New York City’s Times Square

Loki Box Design supplied the centerpiece structure for Carnival Cruise Corporation’s launch of OceanView, its new digital streaming channel for viewers anywhere, whether at land or sea. The new content channel was rolled out live amidst much fanfare in late September 2017 in New York City’s Times Square no less!

The fully customized unit BNC220 unit, made from two repurposed shipping containers assembled on site, is an ambitious demonstration of the ease of deployment, crowd captivating power and overall brand impact Loki Box Design brings to all its installations. And we assembled it live in full view of the whole world!