Up Your Sponsorship Game

Turn the Old-School Logo Fest Into Value-Added Support

Traditional sponsorships often involve writing a check to event organizers in return for having your logo appear prominently at the event… in many cases all over the event. Although the financial support is welcome, and in the case of many community and artistic organizations, it is a veritable lifeline, this kind of sponsorship activity has always been tainted with the quid pro quo of business: the advertiser paid for and in return got exposure. The sense of community involvement kind of gets lost in the storm of logo placement.

Brand marketers have since found a better way to help both the events and their brands. As part of the latest marketing trend of creating immersive brand experiences that are relevant to the event and to the event-goer, brands today are actually offering added value with their sponsorships along with much needed financial support. Giving back truly has become a win-win.

Go Experiential

What is an immersive experience?  It could be anything that connects a visitor intimately with a brand. It could be a hands-on game, a simple or very elaborate product trial, a food or beverage tasting, a fun or novel activity, a themed experience  that happens inside a booth or “tunnel”, the possibilities are endless. What these experiences have in common is the need for a suitable venue or physical focal point to bring visitor together with the brand. This is where a thoughtfully designed display unit, booth or kiosk comes in.

Before a pop-up booth designer can put stylus to tablet, he or she is going to need some answers to some very important questions: What are the conditions of the event (indoor, outdoor, weather, crowd size)? What does the brand want to project? What kind of experience do you want to offer? How important is the physical venue to that experience? How can the venue make that experience even more immersive? Are you selling anything (you can, you know)? 

Create the Perfect Venue

At Loki Box Design, we create groundbreaking experiential marketing display booths, kiosks and pop-up venues that capture a lot of attention for brands and serve as the perfect venues for brand-intensive experiences. These experiences are fast becoming a trend in the way brands deploy their sponsorship dollars, and a big part of that trend is making meaningful contributions to worthwhile events. 

By way of example, Canada’s biggest telco Bell commissioned Loki Box Design to build giant interactive “smart” phones for its sponsorship of a large summer music festival. The phones were equipped with cameras and visitors could post pictures of themselves at the festival and on social media, pictures that were also seen on the other giant phones on site, knitting the festival together and reinforcing that sense of community today’s festivalgoer wants from his or her experience. Big added value for them, a big win for the brand.



We’ll discuss ground-breaking ideas together

We’ll design the perfect EventBox for your needs

Loki will build your Box in its workshop

We’ll set up quickly and easily, you'll be very impressed

You’ll be the talk of the event

Let's Get Started

Ready to Go Fast

To reach audiences that have actually come to expect an experience from brands, Loki Box Design offers complete, end-to-end design-engineer-build-manage services. We build creative venues for immersive experiences out of refurbished shipping containers. Our mobile architecture is known for its impact, high degree of adaptability to a brand’s activation needs and magnetic drawing power. What’s more, you can own your unit and have us store, maintain and manage it. Or you can lease a unit and have it customized to your brand and even to the specific event. This latter option is a huge plus when lead times are short and budgets are tight.


Go Anywhere

Shipping container display booths and pop-up kiosks are also weatherproof and can be used indoors or out with little modification.  They set up fast and tear down even faster. They are designed to be trailer mounted and can be maneuvered in surprisingly tight spaces, even in urban and conference center environments.  They are sturdy base structures made of steel, so adding wings, rooftop space, awnings, signage and so on is easily accomplished. They can also be stacked and twinned in an endless number of architecturally interesting ways, whatever works best with your brand.  

When you want to give back more with your sponsorships while getting a bigger bang for your buck, go experiential with help from the mobile architecture experts at Loki Box Design.